Every time this story is brought up, Matt Bevin has a new lie. First it was that the meeting never happened, then it was that there was a meeting but that switching parties was never discussed, now he has added another more elaborate story to the ruse! Matt Bevin is a habitual liar, and this just proves it, if it wasn't already proven before. Let me take a moment to outline the timeline around Matt Bevin's lies on his attempted KY House Switcharoo. I'll follow with a short list of some of his other lies.
JULY 3, 2016
Rep. Kevin Sinnette, D-Ashland, says Governor Matt Bevin invited him to a meeting in the basement of the Governor's mansion, in late December 2015.
During the meeting, he claims the Governor wanted him to switch parties, and said if he didn't, he'd do everything in his power to take him down. The next day, after refusing to switch, recorded phone calls went out to his district, which, amongst other things, urged constituents to tell Sinnette to switch parties.
JULY 13, 2016
Bevin calls allegations by Rep. Sinnette "absolute malarkey."
Going further, and addressing reporter Ronnie Ellis, Bevin said, “It was an absolute lie. You had no corroboration. The reality is that people lie about things. I absolutely, categorically deny every bit of that drivel.
AUGUST 27, 2016
A Second lawmaker comes forward, to say Matt Bevin also asked him to switch parties. Rep. Russ Meyer said when he refused, Bevin threatened him with retaliation.
Speaker Stumbo reacted to the allegations by calling for state and federal investigations into the allegations. If proven true, he said it should be followed by impeachment proceedings.
AUGUST 30, 2016
Rep. Meyer releases a copy of a voicemail left to him by Governor Matt Bevin, saying,
“Good morning Russ, Matt Bevin. I have had some conversations since our last conversation. A little disappointed by what I’m hearing, I would love to speak to you. I want to make sure you understand, where, where things are in my mind…and the decisions that I’m going to make in the days ahead, the weeks ahead, months ahead. I want you to be very aware of what the impact of those decisions will be as it relates to you, your seat, your district, etc., just so that we have all the cards on the table. I will try to reach you back later. This number will come in as ‘unknown.’ If you see it and have a moment to take it, please do. I will be in touch. Thank you.”
He said the message was sent after he refused to switch parties, and before a major road project in his district was cancelled.
Bevin's office said that the allegations were untrue, and that the voicemail was responding to Meyer expressing interest in switching parties so that he wouldn't lose against his Republican challenger.
Bevin also claimed that the project was cancelled because the Beshear administration failed to properly acquire the right-of-way property.
Timeline of the Bevin House Flip allegations.
OCTOBER 5, 2016
House Speaker, Greg Stumbo, appoints 5 member committee to look into allegations Governor Bevin threatened Democratic House members to switch parties and retaliated against one by delaying a major road project.
Bevin's Chief of Staff immediately follows the announcement with his own press conference, in which he called the panel a "political farce." He then went on to say that Meyer went to Governor to request a job, where the governor had previously denied there had ever been a meeting.
OCTOBER 7, 2016
Rep. David Floyd, R-Bardstown, declines to serve on House Committee, citing family concerns.
OCTOBER 21, 2016
Bevin releases emails claiming Meyer knew of right-of-way issue before the road's delay, therefore they claim it couldn't have possibly been delayed in retaliation. Meyer countered that the contract for the project was signed after Bevin came into office, which completely flies in the face of all the Bevin's administrations earlier claims that the delay was the Beshear administrations fault for giving the go ahead knowing there was a right-of-way issue.
House Committee investigating East Brannon Road project is launched. Bevin decries committee, calling it a "silly investigation."
OCTOBER 27,2016Bevin releases emails claiming Meyer knew of right-of-way issue before the road's delay, therefore they claim it couldn't have possibly been delayed in retaliation. Meyer countered that the contract for the project was signed after Bevin came into office, which completely flies in the face of all the Bevin's administrations earlier claims that the delay was the Beshear administrations fault for giving the go ahead knowing there was a right-of-way issue.
House Committee investigating East Brannon Road project is launched. Bevin decries committee, calling it a "silly investigation."
Matt Bevin refuses to send 2 Transportation Cabinet Officials to testify before the House Committee that's tasked with investigating road delay allegations. He claims committee lacks the authority to investigate the issue.
OCTOBER 28, 2016
Speaker Stumbo files suit against the Governor, in an effort to get hold of previously unreleased emails pertaining to the East Brannon Road Project. The Governor had refused to comply with previous open records requests, but immediately released the emails after Stumbo filed suit.
OCTOBER 30, 2016
Governor Bevin makes a facebook post in which he claims he's "morally obligated" to tell the voters of the 39th Kentucky House District (parts of Jessamine and Fayette Counties) that, "State Rep. Russ Meyer is a habitual liar." Then he proceeded to endorse Rob Gullette.
Link to the post in full.
After repeated denials that the meeting even took place, he finally changes his story to:
"After my election, and less than one year into his first term, Russ Meyer came to my administration looking for a job as a way to increase his income and his pension. I made it very clear that this was not going to happen. Russ Meyer then wanted to discuss the possibility of switching parties for fear that he might otherwise lose his seat. He did, in fact, discuss this topic on multiple occasions with members of my administration. In each instance, he was told that there would be no personal incentive offered for him to do so. His blatant misrepresentation of those discussions is reprehensible."
Quite the change in tune!
More of Matthew Griswold Bevin's lies:
July 2013
Bevin claimed to be a fiscal conservative who opposed special-interest bailouts, but took a $200,000 taxpayer funded bailout when his CT Bell Factory burned down. He didn't have insurance at the time, because it was "too expensive."
August 2013
Bevin lied about never having claimed to have graduated from MIT.
August 2013 - December 2013
Bevin supported shutting down the Government in order to defund "Obamacare." In December, he changed his tune, saying it was irresponsible to get to that point, and that Republicans and Democrats should be working together.
February 2014
Bevin lied and said he opposed the Wall Street bailout, when in actuality he signed a letter to investors praising it.
He said same-sex marriage could lead to parents marrying their children, then immediately denied saying it.
April 2014
Bevin lies about attending a cockfight. Subsequently defends cockfighting, at a cockfight, on tape.
February 2015 - Current
Matt Bevin says he will repeal Medicaid expansion, then lies and says he never said that. Bevin proceeded to submit Kentucky HEALTH to the federal Government, a plan designed to reduce access and coverage for KY's working poor. He insists now, that if the Federal Gov't doesn't cede to his demands, he'll repeal Medicaid Expansion in KY, thereby eliminating health care for over 440,000 Kentuckians living in poverty.
March 2015
Matt Bevin says he's against P3, because private companies expect to make a 4th P, Profit. Changes his story in August of 2015, saying he only opposes it in the case of Brent Spence Bridge Project. Then, at some point, he changed it to "I'm not opposed to P3, I've never, ever, said that." Bevin signed P3 into law in April 2016.
December 2015 - October 2016
Bevin lies about supporting the restoration of Felons' voting rights. Doesn't restore any during his first 10 months in office!
November 2015
Matt Bevin lies about Tax Returns
March 2016
Bevin makes video lying about Democratic lawmakers. Saying they weren't working, but they were actually working a different building. He used the video to try and Flip the House.
May 2016
Bevin lied about supporting George W. Bush's Real ID. After urging Republican lawmakers to pass the law, he quickly turned around and vetoed it.
July 2016
Governor Bevin lies about U of L accreditation, saying it's not at risk by his disbanding of the U of L BOT. He also lies and says he has "absolute authority" to disband the board.
He even tried to block the original board from meeting after the judge reinstated them.
Bevin lied about his speech he gave at the VVS, an event held by the listed hate-group, the FRC. Saying it was about the military.
October 2016
Matt Bevin lies about the Johnson Amendment, during super secret meetings with Kentucky pastors.
Presenting, habitual liar, Matthew Griswold Bevin.